Mastering the Siddhis
27 centuries ago, Patanjali, a great Seer (Maharishi) of Vedic meditation, cognized his masterpiece: The Yoga Sutras.
A Sutra is a consciousness formula. Yoga means union; the merging of one's individuality with one’s universality. In his treatise, Patanjali describes the method for achieving mastery of the relationship between individual human potential and the laws of nature. Very few masters have fathomed the truth of Patanjali's teaching and techniques. Consequently, his teachings had faded into obscurity until recently.
Once mastered, the Siddhis are considered to be the most powerful and advanced technique in a meditator's repertoire.
The Mastering the Siddhis course is taught in six installments. Each of the first five installments consists of approximately seven and a half hours of training and comprises a series of recorded instructions and lectures by Thom Knoles.
Each of the installments will give you a new practice with enormous, lifelong benefits and can be enjoyed without the necessity of completing all 6 installments. However the course must be completed in sequential order, as one installment leads naturally into the next.
Prerequisites: Thom designed this course exclusively for the advanced Vedic meditator. The prerequisite for Mastering the Siddhis is completion of installments 1-6 of Exploring the Veda or one for one, for example completing Exploring the Veda 1 in order to undertake Mastering the Siddhis 1, etc.