Watch the video below to hear what students have to say about Vedic Meditation and what it’s like to learn with Hardy
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“When Hardy led me through the Vedic meditation it was like having a film removed from my eyes. Meditation has become a way of life and a chance to sit there twice a day and tap into who I really am and what I need. It’s a cheat code for conserving precious energy and allowing the mind to flow with creativity. After being a pro baseball player for 8 years where I battled myself constantly and never felt comfortable in my own skin, I can only imagine how much more I could have accomplished. More importantly how much more I could have enjoyed the experiences along the way had I been a meditator!”
“Meditation has been the game changer I've been searching for. Before Hardy brought this technique to me, I was incredibly stressed, overworked and felt buried. After only 6 months I have noticed a massive weight has lifted from me. I feel incredibly productive, full of purpose, and able to tackle anything life throws my way. I breathe easier. I enjoy more fully. Stress comes, and I meet it, but it no longer takes over. Hardy is an incredible teacher, a safe and kind spirit. I can honestly say that learning Vedic Meditation is the most valuable thing I have ever learned.”
“I decided to take Hardy's Vedic Meditation course because I wasn't feeling well and wanted to make a change in my life. Not long after I took the course, I was diagnosed with cancer. I honestly don't know how I would have gotten through the testing, scans, treatments, chemo, and surgeries without my twice daily practice. Vedic Meditation helped me through the times where I could have easily panicked. I know the timing of Hardy's class was meant to be because it unknowingly prepared me for the hardest time of my life and truly made a positive impact. I will always be grateful to Hardy for passing along his knowledge in a kind, thought-provoking way.”
“I took the course to address the build up of stress I had been accumulating throughout my career as a mental health practitioner and my additional roles as a mother, wife, sister and daughter. I felt at ease right away in his presence. I can emphatically say that this was the best decision and best investment in my own well being I have ever made! When Hardy says he will be your teacher for life, he is not just saying that. He has maintained a constant presence and continues to be a boundless resource of Vedic wisdom, compassion, and encouragement. Throughout the global pandemic, my meditation practice and global Vedic meditation community served as a lighthouse in the darkest of times. I have noticed that I rarely, if ever, get sick. I have been able to weather challenging circumstances and relationships with greater clarity and calm. I am noticing improved sleep. I wholeheartedly recommend taking this course from Hardy!”
“Due to smart watch technology, I can see that my daily average resting heart rate is now in the mid 50’s. Prior to that, it was in the high 60’s to low 70’s. I do feel a sense of calm and an increase in the ability to shake off situations that would have caused me stress prior to meditation. Hardy is a super personable human being who’s extremely genuine. I’d recommend him and Vedic meditation to anyone seeking to have a positive, life-changing practice.”
“I’ve been meditating for nearly three years and am amazed at the difference it has made. I’ve been a poster child for stress and anxiety and since I’ve started meditating I’ve found I am much less anxious. Hardy has shown me how to use the tools I already possess to reduce stress and anxiety. I can be impatient with change but I am now feeling much more comfortable and better equipped to handle the uncertainty of the future. I find myself able to let go of things that no longer serve me, which helps me address things I avoid and handle life’s ups and downs much more calmly. It’s such an easy practice; just 20 minutes twice a day! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our deeper dives into Exploring the Vedas. The completion of each course only increases my desire for more knowledge. I really enjoy Hardy as a teacher and a friend and am grateful to have him and this practice in my life.”
-Mike, CEO
“Before meditating, I experienced severe anxiety that came in the form of gut issues and panic attacks. I had dabbled in other meditation techniques with no luck. Shortly after I finished the course with Hardy, I noticed a gentle calmness about me in my everyday life. Four months into meditating, I made a big move across the country, that before meditating would have sent me spiraling into anxiety. But with my new technique, I was more than okay. I was calm, healthy and able to roll with the punches. A year in and I can't imagine life without daily meditation!”
“As my husband and I are aging, I realized that we could use meditation to help us accept the situations that usually accompany getting older. I took Hardy’s meditation course and was thrilled with learning how to effortlessly meditate after trying several times before, unsuccessfully. Two months later, my husband decided it might help with memory problems, anxiety and doubts. That is exactly what happened! The worries are on the back shelf now and we are taking things as they come. It’s a relief to know that we can cope in a way that is good for us. I will be forever grateful to Hardy for leading us on this journey of life. It has truly opened the door to living with ease.”
“I've tried various kinds of meditation and never been able to stick with one, although I deeply knew that it would be helpful to me. This technique has changed everything. I feel capable of meditating and have been consistent, daily, for over a year now. The way that Hardy teaches and facilitates makes it that much more accessible and approachable; he is calm and clear, friendly and knowledgeable, and always open to give feedback or answer questions. I'd like to say that I have grown over the last year into a more conscious, even, and open person. I'm so grateful for Hardy and for this form of meditation.”
“Learning Vedic meditation with Hardy unquestionably changed my life and the way that I perceive stress. Developing a consistent meditation practice has helped me to apply a freer mindset when I encounter daily challenges, as we all do. Hardy has a unique ability to collaborate with his clients to adapt meditation practices to their individual lives. Hardy is enormously gifted and I feel lucky to know him and grow from his wealth of knowledge.”
“Meditation became a part of my life several years ago through the use of apps like Headspace and Calm. It was a wonderful introduction, but I felt that I was overly reliant on being guided by an external voice. I wanted to dive deeper. After a few months of researching Vedic Meditation, I still had not found a teacher that I felt comfortable with. After meeting with Hardy, I immediately sensed that he would be a strong and trustworthy guide in learning this practice. Meeting Hardy, and developing a Vedic Meditation practice, has been a turning point in my life. He was an initial inspiration, and has continued to be a support as I continue to practice day after day, year after year. If you are considering learning about the Veda, but are struggling to find a teacher you both trust and admire, I recommend you find some time to speak with Hardy.”

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