Big Things

I hope all is well. I spent last weekend at the beach with family, friends, and my 5-year-old godson, Quinn. Quinn is an incredibly curious kid who has a knack for thinking outside the box. I'd also brought along my parrot, Roscoe. The kids, as usual, were very charmed by Roscoe and full of questions.

One day, Roscoe flew back to his cage. Quinn's brother Owen asked how Roscoe was able to fly so fast. Quinn, without missing a beat, simply stated "Little things can do big things."

My mind was blown and my heart warmed. Such a profound statement from such a young person. His observation is so true and a good reminder to us all. We all have big dreams, big goals, and big aspirations for who we'd like to be. The best way to achieve big things is by doing little things on a daily basis.

That's what's so transformative about Vedic Meditation. In those 20 minutes, it may not feel like much. But a daily practice of effortlessness, letting go, and simply being have profound effects.

If you're looking to make big shifts in your life, take note of the little things you're doing on a daily basis. Whatever we're up to, it adds up.


Catching Snakes

