Embracing Change
The only constant is change. How we choose to engage with this reality determines how we experience life.
Most people think of change as scary. It's hard to be tolerant of the unknown when we aren't equipped to handle it. The more we stress, the more we develop an aversion to change, and so we continue to exacerbate this cycle of stress and resistance.
A lifetime's worth of daily resistance to change is hard to let go of. That's where our practice comes in handy. It's a daily practice of letting go. Our entire approach is centered around not resisting whatever comes our way. Through this simple practice, we become pros at not resisting.
Stopping resistance is the first step. But if we truly want to thrive, we've got to embrace change. It's the ultimate 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.' If change is going to occur whether we like it or not, why not have a say in how we change?
There's a reason Vedic meditators find themselves enjoying life more: not only do we tolerate change, we welcome it. We're more creative, capable, and intelligent when it comes to meeting demands. By transforming how we're able to respond, change is no longer scary. It's a welcome opportunity.
Change your perspective on change and your life...changes :)