Your body is going to find a way to rest. Either make rest a priority or face burnout.
'Mental health day' has become a popular term for taking some time away. While I'm a huge proponent of mental health and making self care a priority in life, I find that these types of days aren't usually being used to actually treat mental health. It's used when we can no longer function and the only thing we can do is collapse and withdraw. It's burnout. Longterm, this isn't sustainable. We've got to find better ways to take care of ourselves so we're able to function on a day-to-day basis.
In order to prevent burnout, we've got to rest on the regular.
Rest is inevitable. The body needs it. It's during rest that the body repairs, re-energizes, purifies, and releases stress. Burnout is the body's desperate bid to enforce rest. In our busier-is-better society, we think it's proper to never stop; that taking time to rest is lazy. There's a reason why burnout is so prevalent. For most people, it's the only way their bodies can do what needs to be done to even remotely function.
That's why Vedic Meditation is so powerful. By taking time twice a day to give the body access to rest that's 5 times deeper than sleep, we find ourselves moving through life's demands with ease. We have infinite adaptability, less illness, and less burnout. Rather than needing to withdraw from the world, we're able to stay in its midst and handle any demand that's thrown at us.
Rest is coming for you. Make it a priority and enjoy it or get ready for more burnout.