The Opposite of Fight or Flight

Let's talk about Fight, Flight, or Freeze.

It's what's actually going on when we say we're stressed. When the body has no energy left to meet a demand, it uses this very primal and reactive defense mechanism as a last resort. If we don't have the energy needed to adapt to the many changes of expectation that come our way, we're setting ourselves up to get hijacked by stress.

Through our practice of Vedic Meditation, we begin to move the body into the opposite state of fight or flight: stay and play. By giving the body twice-daily access to deep rest, we find ourselves more capable of meeting life's demands. Instead of being hijacked by reactivity, we're able to choose how we respond. We're more intelligent, creative, and stable in how we meet life's demands.

Our nervous systems are wildly capable. Get them in the proper state and even the most demanding days can be a breeze.


Making Sense Out of Senselessness

