
Love was always very beguiling to me. Love felt very fickle. It would come and go with people, achievements, and things. It was out of my hands. Something so transient was not worth investing in.

Perhaps the most stunning awakening I had during my time training in India was my love affair. Hours upon hours of meditating, little sleep, lots of studying, and the many demands of ashram life.

It was there, one morning, I felt my heart exploding. I’d never felt such a sure thing. So big, beautiful, gallant, and ineluctable. In that moment I realized:

I am the love of my life.

In discovering myself, I discovered the source of love.

No one brings you love. No one completes you. This is not to say that relationships aren’t relevant. But sustainable relating of any kind requires us to come from a place of fulfillment.

Discover yourself and you’ll discover, at the heart of it all, love. And when our cup runneth over, we’re then able to relate sustainably with others.

You are amazing. You are love. Get to know yourself and you’ll find the person you’ve been looking for.




Growth and Discomfort